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Autor Thema: YouTube muss alle Userdaten an Viacom abgeben  (Gelesen 1452 mal)


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YouTube muss alle Userdaten an Viacom abgeben
« am: 05.Juli 2008, 13:29:17 »

In today's news, Youtube was ordered to give user histories and IP's to Viacom for evidentiary collection (aka. discovery in legal terms). I've went through this same process with our lawsuit brought by the MPAA so I thought I'll share some of my thoughts on the issue.

As unreasonable as I think these lawsuits by Viacom/MPAA may be, in order for the legal process to work, plaintiffs are entitled to evidence in order to prove their case. However, user privacy should be a large concern in disclosing of data (logs) as evidence, and in neither Youtube's or our case, there's no reason for turning over data that would expose your personal identify (such as your IP address). From glancing the order against Youtube, the reason they were ordered to turn over user histories is to prove user infringements, and inclusion of IP's in such logs is to uniquely identify users who may have signed up multiple usernames/accounts. I call bullshit on that. If someone uses multiple usernames, he can as easily login with multiple IP addresses, disclosing IP's would not help the plaintiffs in proving copyright infringements. I expect Google/Youtube to appeal the order (at least I sure hope so).

As for us, we successfully argued in our MPAA case that we don't need to turn over your IP addresses as it is a violation of user privacy with no evidentiary value, and only turned over .torrent access logs in anonymized form. You may not like to hear that .torrent logs are being turned over, but the truth is we were ordered to do so and that the MPAA does need anonymous logs to prove their frivolous lawsuit.

The bottom line is, what really matters to you is your privacy and I can assure you that our rather simplistic privacy policy is true and correct: we will not disclose your personal identity to any third party, without your consent. For other website admins, as Brian Aker of MySQL has suggested, for sake of privacy of your users, don't keep full web server logs long term, but only in anonymized or aggregate form. There's no reason to keep IP addresses around for the long term. As to ISP or other man in the middle snooping of your activities on isoHunt, we now have SSL encryption option to protect your visit to from prying eyes.

Note that the same privacy policy applies to our other websites, and

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Re: YouTube muss alle Userdaten an Viacom abgeben
« Antwort #1 am: 05.Juli 2008, 13:37:57 »

Der gläserne Mensch ist doch schon längst Realität. Gib deinen Namen mal per Google ein und wenn du irgendwo recht aktiv bist kann man ein tolles Muster von dir erstellen. Meinen Namen findet man bei Google zwar auch recht häufig, aber die Person dahinter bin nicht ich ;D sondern zwei Personen mit demselben Namen. :D

Ich werde weiterhin nur mit meinem Nicknamen die Foren des WWW unsicher machen und verzichte weitestgehend auf echte Datenangaben oder denke mir kreative Namen und Anschriften aus.

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Re: YouTube muss alle Userdaten an Viacom abgeben
« Antwort #2 am: 05.Juli 2008, 13:54:28 »

Um den Bezug zu realen Personen geht es ja nicht direkt, ohne die IP-Daten der ISPs kommen die Kameraden nicht viel weiter. Dank Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist das Damoklesschwert allerdings bereits in Position. Und dann helfen auch Aliase nichts mehr ;)

Viacom hat übrigens eingesehen dass sie etwas zu weit gehen und mit Google ausgehandelt dass die IP-Adressen nutzlos gemacht werden, die wollen schliesslich eh nur Youtube und (noch) nicht den Usern an den Kragen. Der unschönste Teil ist eh dass die US-Gerichte so schnell in die Knie gehen, aber wer glaubt auch dass ausgerechnet die USA den Datenschutz besonders hoch halten würden ?
Und Google sollte sich langsam wirklich überlegen ob sie absolut alles mitloggen müssen ...