lohnt sich reinzuschauen... 
Was hat das mit dem FM 2007 zu tun? 
Lies die Blogeinträge...
So what are we going to do here?
Current mood: tired
Hello and welcome to our myspace area. I'm quite new to this, although Marc and the OOTP team used it for the run up to the release of Out Of The Park Baseball.
Starting next week, I'm going to be blogging some of the new features coming in Football Manager 2007. There'll be new info every couple of days, and once it's all out in the open (or as much as we want to give out, anyway) we'll collate it all up for features on and Might do that weekly, might just do it at the end, but this will be the first place to get new info anyway.
We've been pretty busy over here working on the new games, all of which are looking great, and on schedule for a pre-Xmas release. That's Football Manager 2007 on PC, Mac, Intel Mac, Xbox 360 and PSP, and NHL:Eastside Hockey Manager on PC and Mac. And something else that we'll announce in a couple of weeks. So it's kind of busy!
Feel free to add us to your friends list. We like friends. We would put up music and what we're listening to and stuff like that, but we've all got quite varied music taste, and the debates over whether the Rakes or Savage Garden should appear would go on long into the night, so we're going to spend our time making games instead, which is what we're best at.
That said, if you've got any suggestion on what you want to see here, please let us know.