So, dann mach ich einfach mal weiter.
Aus dem SI-Blog zum neuen Jugendspieler-Generierungssystem:
"Youth Revamp
Youth teams in Football Manager and Sports Interactive titles have been very well served over the years by a system called "regens". This was, basically, the regeneration of players as they retired, and had evolved massively over the years to the point where it couldn't be taken any further. But it still wasn't perfect.
So, out go "regens". And in comes a whole new system of youth player generation, and database stability. It's internal codename is "Fred" because if it had a more descriptive name it would give far too many trade secrets away, but what it means is a lot more youth players in the game and a system much more akin to that of real life, using real life rules, so youth teams at active clubs should always be well populated with players. Just like real life, only a small proportion of these players will "make it" into top players, with many dropping down the leagues into non-league obscurity, but each year your youth team (if your club has one) will be topped up with new players and if you don't have what we deem "enough" at the starting point of the game, you'll be given more in the first couple of days of the game starting.
Obviously, as with everything in our games, all areas of the game are linked, so if you have poor youth facilities, you will be less likely to find the next world superstar, but that doesn't mean that you can't, just that it's less likely. Some years you might get a whole heap of potential first team players, some you might get none, but the stability of the database over the long term stays the same, so you shouldn't find that in 2020 players in the third division are better than the international players of today.
We've also used real world contract rules to ensure that you can offer players "pre-contracts" to try and save your players being snapped up for next to nothing by bigger clubs as has happened on previous games. As long as you're on the ball and keeping a close eye on your youngster or, if you trust them enough, letting one of your staff looking after the youth contracts, you should never lose a potential superstar for nothing again.
It's also important that you nurture your young talent to get the best out of them. And to do this, you need to interact with the players, but there's more info on that coming on Thursday!"
Also, "Fred" hört sich ja noch etwas geheimnisvoll an, aber mit den Regens hatt ich bisher ohnehin keine Probleme, fand das alles ganz realistisch. Aber wenn es nun noch besser sein soll, sehr gerne !
Und noch was zu den Schiedsrichtern und zur Matchengine:
"Being a referee is a very hard job. If you get things right, it's expected, but if you get things wrong, it can cost a club millions of pounds. If a striker misses an easy chance, it's forgotten pretty quickly, but a penalty against you after a dive gets remembered for a very long time.
It just seemed appropriate, particularly with everything going on in the world of football at the moment, to have controversial decisions highlighted more in the game. Refs have made mistakes in our games before, but they haven't really been brought to the attention of the user in this way before.
But what can you do? We had a feature many many years ago where you could criticise the ref, but very little happened because of it. With post match interviews a part of the game and the real football world, it could be that one of your players complains about the decision in a post match interview. It could be that you're asked your opinion on the decision. Not just ones for your team, but against your team too.
Don't be too quick to complain though. You never know what the FA will throw your clubs way if you do. But then again, you could lose the faith of your players if you praise the refs too much when it's costing the team. Just be careful not to get a touchline ban as those will hurt you greatly, but I'll leave it to you to discover the full ramifications of that.
The match engine has had another year or work from the match team, which includes Paul Collyer and Ray Houghton, and has taken another leap forward. It was already the most accurate replication of football in any simulation, and now it's gone one louder, with lots more match events, improved commentary and is just generally even more lifelike.
There are also some nice new touches, like players warming up on the touchlines, pre-match team talks and more intuitive half time and post match team talks. Match time in the tactics screen, score display in full screen mode (and if you haven't tried this before, it's well worth it – just press Alt+F11 to toggle unless you've changed the shortcut), and lots of other bits and bobs.
Tactically, there's something new too. A pre and during match "opposition team instructions" screen, which allows you to easily highlight players to close down, mark tighter, show onto his wrong foot or tackle harder, so as well as the individual player instructions for your own team, you have them for the opposition too."
Hoffe nur, dass es endlich wieder mal wie im CM 01/02 diese fragwürdigen Schiedsrichterentscheidungen bei Strafstössen gibt, als der Schiri nachdem der Spieler im Strafraum zu Fall kam, zum Assistenten schaute, und der dann entweder Strafstoss gab oder weiterspielen ließ. Das fand ich damals richtig spannend und herzstillstandgefährdend, vor allem in der 90.Minute...

Allerdings, auf die graphische Darstellung, wie sich die Spieler warm machen, kann ich eigentlich verzichten. Da wären mir andere (taktische) Dinge wichtiger.