Aso nochmal etwas deutlicher:
Der Patch der heute rausgekommen ist, ist für alle Länder
ausser Deutschland. DtP (ist der deutsche Vertrieb) bestand darauf das in Deutschland Starforce, mit einer anderen Routine, als Kopierschutz zum Einsatz kommt. Da die dtsch. Version einen "anderen Patch" haben muss als die andere, dauert es vermutlich bis Freitag bis der deutsche Patch rauskommt.
In diesem Patch wird folgendes enthalten sein:
Bug is fix even if you continue your old career from 1.0R :
*(editeur) Resolve crash bug at export from editor
*(race_bug) Riders are invisible on part of the GP Plouay (GP Aubagne/Classic Haribo/Chpt France/Fourmies)
*(race) Resolve time-limit bug
*(race_gameplay) Riders are slightly slow in the mountains
*(race_gameplay) Blue bar eaten up more quickly
*(race_gameplay) Influence of protection from wind greater in the mountains
*(race_gameplay) Attacks are more explosive in the mountains
*(race_gameplay) Attacks possible by best downhill racers during descents
*(race_loading) Correction of wrong display of favourites in team time-trials
*(race_loading) Correction of problem whereby 3D race takes longer and longer to launch as stages advance
*(management_trainings) Some neo-professionals who reach maximum potential are not detected and their progress is blocked at 100%
*(management_inscriptions) Display bug on the number of victories on rider selection page before a race
*(management_classifications) Display bug on Team rankings with a " rider/team " in the table rather than " team "
*(management_classifications) Incorrect sort on riders on results page after a race
*(management_trainingcamps) Incorrect display of bonus on some attributes after a given training camp.
*(management_scout) Clicking on the North Sea in Northern Europe no longer selects an area in Spain
*(management_scout) Under some circomstances scouts did not return from a mission which then proceeded to disappear.
*(management_scout) Incorrect display of team being observed by scout
*(management) Under some circumstances a wrong page was displayed on return from a simulation
*(management) At the start of the season, automatic recruitment for a team with low squad numbers => fix.
*(graphic) White on Mavic IO and Hed 3 wheels are fix
*(sound) Listener speed (Doppler effect) implemented
*(multiplayer) Correction to chat bug in the pages
*(multiplayer) Correction of bug when X players are on the pre-race page with status "Run the race" and a player leaves the game while on another page with status "Not ready" the game did not launch.
*(multiplayer) Corrections to bugs on game saves in multiplayer mode during a stage race
*(multiplayer) Opening of Ladder
*(multiplayer) Correction of bug in stage mode with personnalised teams : the stage raced was always the first of the tour.
Bug is fix with a new career or if you continue your old career from 1.0R in first season :
*(race_bug) National and World champions don't have their jersey in season 2
*(management_crash) Resolve crash problem that may happen after 4 or 5 seasons
*(management_trainingcamps) Correction of bug on training camps starting end of December and finishing the following year (the riders do not return)
Bug is fix only with a new career :
*(database) Message on 1st day : subject and content inversed
*(database) Jimmy Engoulvent in Brioches La Boulangere => Cofidis
*(database) Hernan Buenahora not in database => Cafe Baque
*(database) Last mountain sprint and intermediate sprint inverted on 1st stage of Tour
*(database) Caracteristics of Hed H3 and Hed Alps inverted
*(database) Adjustment to points level for various riders with the help of Team Allianz
*(database) Correction to categories for following races: Tour du Languedoc to T.1, Tour de Belgique to T.2, Tour du Sud to T.3, Laigueglia to C.2 and Rund um Köln to C.3
*(database) Mont Ventoux : bug fixed on " Hilly " riders
*(database) Tour of Catalunya - 6th stage : incorrect image on arrival and impossible to view arrival time during the race
Die KI (Karriere/Tour) wird im
nächsten Patch bearbeitet.
@Raven sehe ich genauso. Eine Karriere starte ich aber erst nach dem 2. Patch. Zocke viel Online, das ist einfach genial. Haben ebend eine 5 Etappen Tour gespielt, super spannend

Habe gelesen, dass einige Leute die Probleme mit Starforce habe, im Hintergrund WinTV laufen lassen. So lässt sich das Spiel angeblich ohne CD spielen. Soll wohl kein Scherz sein.