morgen erscheint auf der homepage ein datenupdate!!!! also ich werds mir saugen
da spielt dann bestimmt der richtige yakin beim VfB!!! :-p
CMSorted Updates
Posted by Dave Higgins on February 5 2004
The CM03/04 update will be released on Saturday around about 5pm GMT. It will contain all of the January transfers, the change list will be up on Friday evening sometime, so check back for this.
Also I am pleased to anounce that the CM01/02 update will return on Sunday, a time can not be given, but rest assured, Sunday is the set date for it's release!
As for people that are stuck in between the 2 games and have CM4, we are in the process of getting an update sorted out for this game also. However a time frame can not be given on this at the current time.
That all being said, don't forget to check out the rest of the site, we have regular new articles being posted by our staff here at CMSorted, as well as CM site reviews, regular tools are being uploaded for your pleasure, as well as the odd graphical image.If you wish to take a break from checking our content, why not pop in to our forums and discuss your feelings on various things.