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Autor Thema: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022  (Gelesen 6553 mal)


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Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« am: 17.November 2021, 12:50:20 »

Football Manager 2022 Minor Update 22.1.1

We’ve just released a minor update for Football Manager 2022 which will automatically download and be applied to your game. Details of changes included within this update can be found below.

This update is save-game compatible allowing you to continue your existing career. If you encounter any problems downloading and installing, we recommend restarting Steam/Epic, or if on Windows Store by manually checking for updates.

Minor Update 22.1.1
- Crash fixes and stability improvements
- Optimisation of a number of in-game screens to allow speedier movement through the game including, but not limited to: Loading Tactics, Data Hub, Scouting Assignments and the Inbox
- Competition and rule group fixes and improvements, including within Chile, England, France, Peru and Russia*
- Reactivated scrolling using up/down arrows when inbox selected

If you’ve encountered an issue within your game and raised it via the Bug Tracker but it isn’t addressed above, we want to take this opportunity to say we’re continually working on the game with the aim of releasing further updates in the future, including in areas like the match engine.

Given the nature of software development we’re unable to give an exact time of our next update but can assure you every issue raised within our Tracker is read and assigned a priority by our team.

We’re very much appreciative of everyone within our community who has taken the time to reach out to us since release. Your voice is incredibly important, and your feedback has helped us shape the game as it is today.

If at any point you require technical support please read our FAQ or submit a ticket with our dedicated support team.

*For competition specific changes to take effect a new game may be required.


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Re: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« Antwort #1 am: 07.Dezember 2021, 19:08:30 »

Football Manager 2022 Major Update 22.2

We’re happy to announce the release of a major update for Football Manager 2022 which contains improvements, tweaks and fixes across all areas of the game.

As always, the update is save game compatible allowing you to continue your existing managerial careers.

If you encounter any problems downloading and installing, we recommend restarting Steam/Epic, or if on Windows Store by manually checking for updates.

The feedback raised within our community since the launch of FM22 has helped drive the number of changes we’ve made for this update, so thanks to everyone who has taken the time to raise anything with us, especially via our Bug Tracker. Our team read every issue posted there and your voices are invaluable within the studio.

We’d also like to take the opportunity to say on behalf of everyone at Sports Interactive, we wish you all a fantastic end to 2021 and health, happiness and a good run of results for 2022!

Major Update 22.2 Changelist (including, but not limited to):

Stability and Technical:
- Stability and crash fixes
- Optimisation improvements
- Fix for Macs launching game without correct zoom display settings
- Sound ‘Test’ button fixed within Preferences

Match Engine
- Near post corners made less effective
- Various fixes in different areas to defending teams keeping possession too well and inflating possession stats to unrealistic levels
- Fixed goalkeepers not being marked during attacking set pieces
- Tweaks to throw-ins
- Number of other improvements to overall engine balance

- Tweaks to the rate of young player development
- Tweaks to the rate of older player decline
- Tweaks to newgen staff generation at game start
- Improved distribution of newgens in inactive nations
- Player knowledge to remain for a longer period of time once player trial finishes
- Logic work to stop players complaining about lack of playing time despite starting nearly every game
- Improved logic distribution of preferred formations for AI managers
- More realistic job security pressure for newly appointed international managers
- Fix to board illogically becoming concerned about playing time of new signing
- Deadline day experience added for top division in Norway and Denmark
- Improvements to loan demands and negotiations
- News item no longer incorrectly states player wants to join club because they’re a bigger club when they’re not a bigger club
- Squad registration fixes
- Fixed issue in Argentina, Romania and Denmark where Club Vision wasn’t being recorded correctly
- Manager morale no longer incorrectly displayed as abysmal
- Positive reaction from an interaction now always shown correctly
- Fantasy Draft improvements to initial budget options, how continue waiting is displayed and auto pick
- Number of other improvements and fixes

Competitions and Rulegroups*:
- Croatian Second Division number of matches correct from 2022/23 onwards
- Fix for Turkish Newgens now appearing as HG players for registrations
- Using auto select no longer incorrectly counts as new registration changes in China
- Canadian team qualification added for 2024+ NACL
- Canadian team qualification added for NAL
- MLS DP and YDP rules now assigned correctly
- Number of other fixes, updated rules and scheduling changes across numerous nations/leagues

Art & Animation:
- Fixed multiple issues with players sliding/teleporting during animations in the 3D Match Engine
- Fixed player names not always appearing in the 2D Match Engine
- Multiple kit clashing issues fixed
- Multiple 3D background environment fixes, including team boardrooms and kits/badges
- Improvements to how hairstyles and eyebrows are chosen for newgens

- Fixed issue where action buttons on Scouting Meeting Inbox items would overlap or be cut off on some resolutions
- Fixed issue where scrolling the Player Search list with keyboard arrow buttons would cause the highlighted item to reset to the top of the list.
- Fixed issue where dugout notifications regarding substitutions were not showing player shirts
- Fixed issue that caused the player transfer values to be difficult to read on some screens
- Fixed issue in Data Hub where analysis pop-ups would close unexpectedly when highlighting certain items
- Fixed issue in Set Piece creator where the instruction marker would obscure the player position
- Fixed issue in Staff Search where the Realistic Hire checkboxes would sometimes not function
- Fixed issue where resizing a custom column containing a player's transfer value could make the value unreadable.
- Fixed issue where training individual panel would reset to the top of the list after selecting a player
- Fixed issue where team stats view on touchline tablet would reset between matches
- Added a counter to show remaining entries in a scouting update
- Resolved errors in displaying numerical units in Korean currency
- Opposition shirt icons now appear consistently after a substitution
- Cut off on Club Info > Profile now has a scrollbar
- Loan Match Report now shows the Monthly Fee instead of ‘valued at £0’
- Morale icon no longer showing for non-players
- Number of other improvements and fixes

Pre Game Editor
- Start dates now appearing for basic rules files made with Pre-Game Editor
- Unassigned created players now appearing in edited databases
- Fixed ability to add lower division cups and divisions in certain nations
- Number of other editor specific improvements and fixes

*For competition specific changes to take effect a new game may be required.

If you encounter any problems running or launching the game, please visit our FAQ or create a support ticket with our team.


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Re: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« Antwort #2 am: 14.Dezember 2021, 22:43:53 »

Football Manager 2022 Minor Update 22.2

We’ve just released a minor update for Football Manager 2022 and Football Manager 2022 Xbox Edition to address some issues we’ve become aware of since the initial launch of 22.2. For details of everything that’s included please see the changelist below.

The update is save game compatible allowing you to continue your existing managerial careers.

If you encounter any problems downloading and installing, we recommend restarting Steam/Epic, or by manually checking for updates if you’re playing through the Windows Store/Game Pass or Xbox. The version number of the game after updating will remain 22.2.

Changelist 22.2:
- Stability and crash fixes, including some users being unable to process past specific in-game dates
- Fix for network games incorrectly implementing staggered kick off times into scheduling
- Addressed issues with certain currencies, which could cause low/negative value bids and incorrect formatting of how figures are displayed
- (FM PC/Mac only) Fix for editor files not importing correct information when multiple files are used

If you encounter any problems with the game for crash or technical support please log a support ticket with our team and for any general bugs with the game please use our Bug Tracker.


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Re: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« Antwort #3 am: 24.Februar 2022, 17:18:54 »

Football Manager 2022 Main Winter Update 22.3

The Main Winter Update for FM22 (PC/Mac)*, FM22 Xbox Edition*, FM22 Mobile (iOS/Android) and FM22 Touch (Nintendo Switch™) is available now.

More than 4.4m database changes are incorporated within the Main Winter Update, including various transfers, the managerial merry-go-round and changes to player data based on their performances in the first half of the season.

Even more excitingly, the Main Winter Update brings with it the return of Versus mode for PC/Mac gamers. You’ll need to be an FMFC member to access Versus - log in via the FM22 start screen to get started and compete against your friends. More information on Versus mode’s return and how to get the most from it is available on The Byline. If you want to find likeminded players, please visit our Versus Mode Game Requests thread for more info.

This update also contains fixes and improvements across multiple areas of the game. All gameplay adjustments will take effect in current careers, although you will need to begin a new save to take advantage of the data updates or competition and rule group changes.

Most updates of this nature should download automatically but if yours doesn’t, just quit and relaunch Steam or the Epic Games Store to prompt it to do so. If you’re playing via the Windows Store or Game Pass, you may need to manually search for the update.

The Final Winter Update follows in a few weeks, covering data from windows that closed in February, including MLS and China.

22.3 Changelist (includes but not limited to):

Database and Research
- Main Winter Update which contains over four million changes since the release of FM22, including thousands of player transfers and tweaks to player ability

- Number of stability and crash fixes
- Fixed rare issue where in some circumstances saving to the cloud would cause issues with saving locally
- Improved support for touch screen laptop
- Fixed examples of hangtime on ‘Awaiting Media Reaction’ page

Match Engine
- Tweaks to inside wingers/forwards and how often the cut inside with the ball when attacking
- Improvements on how pre-set user match plans are implemented in game

Comps and Rule Groups
- Format structure and rule changes for nations including (but not limited to) Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, England, Norway, Switzerland, USA and Wales
- Improvements to Continental Competitions rules and addition of European/South American Super Cup
- Major progressive format and structure changes for Argentinian competitions from 2021 to 2026
- Added English U18 Premier Division Cup, Central League Cup and U23 Division 4
- Corrected playoff seeding in the English National League and National League North/South
- Removed incorrect Promotion/Relegation playoff in Croatia
- Changed Russian squad registration rule to correctly apply to U22 players rather than U20 players
- Format change for Welsh Cup
- Homegrown Belgian player display and recognition
- European/South American Super Cup has been implemented
- Fix for seeded playoffs in determining home team and stadium
- European Group Stage tie break rules

Art and Animations
- Fixed rare issue where matches could play on the dressing room and not proceeding to show the match environment
- Added an option to remove 3D eyebrows when using photofit face so that you can have just the eyebrows from the photo
- Multiple kit clashing fixes
- Multiple scenarios where 3D background kits and badges were slightly incorrect have now been fixed
- Fixed wrong logos and colours on some press conference and pre-match tunnel background board panels 
- Fixed main issue with TVs in stands appearing blank and not displaying
- Manager clothing colours now look the same when picking them as they do in matches
- Improved manager beard visuals when in some lower graphics settings

- Tweaks to how Dynamic Youth ratings work, including some rebalancing and allowances for smaller nations to receive boosts within realistic parameters
- Fixed issue where user could not set assistant manager to take control of certain staff responsibilities
- Fixed issue where trialist leaves and no report card is generated
- Tweaks to when a player will demand promise to play in certain position/role in contract negotiations
- Change which will see councils block stadium expansions less often now
- Fixed cases of stadium expansions not being completed correctly
- Fixed cases of transfer budgets being set before playoff final, and not boosted if promotion achieved
- Improvements to squad registration logic
- Fixed issue where player on loan would show as being unavailable incorrectly
- Fixed issue where unsuitable players were being nominated for the NxGn award
- Tweaks to player valuations in certain leagues due to teams being unwilling to sell mid-season
- Fixed cases of being unable to sign non-EU youth players in Italy
- Fixed taxation on wages being too high in Portugal
- Fixed issue where text refers to user's team instead of the selling/buying one when arranging a loan back
- Fixed issue where player is linked to their own club on deadline day
- Fixed issue where transfer or contract date incorrectly shows as 1900
- Fixed issue where loan with future fee is not correctly remembered when making a transfer offer
- Tweaks to loan negotiations when adding in a buy back clause
- Tweaks to when a player will be willing to enter contract talks when they have decided to leave their existing club on a free transfer
- Tweaks to player exchange transfer offer logic
- Fix to when a New international manager is under immediate job security pressure despite good start
- Some adjustments to Club Vision scoring
- Fixed example where there could be blank interactions with unhappy B Team players

User Interface
- Goal captions now always showing correct number of goals scored by player
- Stopped proposed friendlies duplicating on the arrange friendly screen
- Added captain icon into some touchline tablet views in-match
- Fixed scroll position resetting after visiting a player profile in various list and table views
- Fixed player value displaying as 0 on some inbox items
- Data Hub pop-ups will now close if user clicks anywhere outside the pop-up
- Added “Last Match Analysis” to be viewable after one match is played, rather than having to wait for three matches
- Fixed issue in match where live league table was not displaying correctly in Assistant Advice
- Fixed some scenarios where touchline tablet options were changing from match to match
- Fixed cosmetic only issue in match where player condition indicators would reset to full when user navigated away from match screen.
- Fixed issue where users were able to modify transfer offers for their own players through the Player's Transfer screen
- Fixed issue where the sidebar icons would disappear for unemployed managers in certain display modes
- Fixed issue where dugout notification would appear for an opposition player towards the end of matches

- Fixed freeze when adding teams to club continental competitions
- Fixed instances of fixture and discipline rules being lost upon saving

If you encounter any crashes or issues launching the game following the update please contact our support team directly at

For any bugs or issues found following 22.3, please raise them via our forum Bug Tracker.

*Microsoft version updates will follow shortly


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Re: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« Antwort #4 am: 24.März 2022, 18:36:09 »

Football Manager 2022 Final Winter Update 22.4

The Final Winter Update for Football Manager 2022 is now available for PC/Mac, Xbox and Switch. This update includes activity from those transfer windows which closed during February, along with database updates and a few further gameplay fixes. There are also a number of gameplay adjustments designed specifically to address the upheaval caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24th.

Studio Director Miles Jacobson delivered a detailed explanation of the changes we’ve made and the rationale behind them in a recent blog. The update will follow at a later date for FM22 Mobile (iOS/Android).

The update also contains fixes and improvements across multiple game areas. All gameplay adjustments will take effect in ongoing careers, while data and rule changes will not be implemented until a new career is started.

Changes in the 22.4 update include (but are not limited to):
- Data Updates including transfer windows closing end of February
- Stability and crash fixes
- Addressed issue where Pre-Game Editor may not launch correctly on Windows Store/Game Pass
- Fix to allow user to change manager player picture
- Tweaks for AI loan offers, meaning less zero amount contributions
- Various network connectivity improvements for online modes
- Fix for keyboard shortcut settings in preferences
- Number of competition tweaks and updates, including 2022 promotion/relegation updates for a number of leagues outside of standard European calendar
- Multiple gameplay and database changes to reflect the current geopolitical situation as documented in Miles’s blog

These updates should download automatically. If yours does not, quit and relaunch Steam or the Epic Games Store to prompt it to do so. If you’re playing via the Windows Store or Game Pass, you may need to manually search for the update.

If you encounter any crashes or issues launching the game following the update please contact our support team directly at

For any bugs or issues found following 22.4, please raise them via our forum Bug Tracker.


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Re: Updateverlauf - Football Manager 2022
« Antwort #5 am: 04.April 2022, 22:07:48 »

Football Manager 2022 Minor Update 22.4.1

We’ve just released Minor Update 22.4.1 for Football Manager 2022 which is now available to download via Steam, Epic and Windows Store.

These updates should download automatically and are save game compatible. If yours does not, quit and relaunch Steam or the Epic Games Store to prompt it to do so. If you’re playing via the Windows Store or Game Pass, you may need to manually search for the update.

Minor Update 22.4.1 (includes but not limited to):

- Addressed an issue related to add/remove leagues not working correctly
- Fix to reinstate ability to search for players by all available nationalities
- Fix for recently added text not appearing translated correctly in some languages

Really want to give a shout out to everyone who has posted on these forums in relation to FM22 since the game first came out. By taking the time to raise feedback and flag issues to us via our Bug Tracker it's allowed us to try and make this the best FM experience ever, it really has been incredibly valuable. We couldn't do any of this without you, the managers.   