Ich hab mir mal die Feature Liste von der Enhanced Edition durchgelesen und auch sonst etwas herum gegoogelt.
Ich finde zu der Vertonung von Dialogen nichts. Ist das wirklich drin? Die Vertonung von dem Brocken müsste doch mehr als 7 GB sein.

New features:
You can finally play with a controller. Lead the crusade from the comfort of your own pillow fort!
Customize your character’s appearance by coloring and reforging your armor!
Save time looking for that specific scroll by using the inventory search function.
Can’t figure out how you managed to deal so much damage? Check the enhanced battle log!
You no longer need to scroll right to see how your animal companion is doing, with a new addition to our UI for pet owners.
Unlock additional quest outcomes with new reinforcement options for various mythic paths in chapter 5.
Attend a special party your soldiers throw for you if you reject mythic powers on the Legend path.
Learn more about what your companions and friends do after the crusade in enhanced epilogues.
And finally, take beautiful pictures of your favorite moments with the new Photo Mode feature! Pause the game, free the camera from the bounds of isometric view, apply filters and frames, and make a wallpaper out of your favorite underground mushroom forest, that Wintersun waterfall, or the chaotic streets of Alushinyrra.