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Autor Thema: TCM18 Logopack by  (Gelesen 19731 mal)


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TCM18 Logopack by
« am: 10.November 2017, 10:07:57 »

Download the TCM18 Logopack, megapack of more than 25.500 logos of clubs and competitions for Football Manager 2018!

This is the 5th edition of the TCM Megapack for Football Manager.
After more than 1,200,000 downloads for previous versions, we want to offer more! Adopt the brilliant TCM18 Logo megapack for Football Manager 2018 by

25559 Logos : 22159 Clubs + 2817 Competitions + 583 Divers
Africa : 1349 Clubs – 197 Competitions
North America : 1485 Clubs – 231 Compétitions
South America : 2736 Clubs – 208 Compétitions
Asia: 3060 Clubs – 596 Compétitions
Europa : 13220 Clubs – 1318 Compétitions
Oceania : 309 Clubs – 75 Compétitions
+ Confederations, Federations, International Competitions & Flags.
All the details by Nations in the Megapack.

If you have logos to make, two possibilities:

– If there are only a few logos, go to page requests:

– If there is a lot of logos or if you want to become a contributor, go to contributor page :

Screenshot TCM18 English in FM18 (click to enlarge) :

Bonus : Adboards banners from our partners showing during games are included in this pack.

Greetings :

Developers :

  • Kinmar : Enhancing the Template, Development, Hosting (TCM14-18).
  • Thomasom : Creating the Template, Development (TCM14/15).
  • Sualg-Bilbao : Development (TCM14/15/16).
  • Zecha : Development (TCM16).
Contributors :

TCM18 : bdavies26, Broeren, claytonpadula, Cleuber, commander, Diogo Paiva, Julian, Kamil, Lucas, Marcos, Necjeff (DF11 Faces), nxtfuture, Pappeldrache, Pierre-Jean, RBRND, Rivanov, Segmann, Spix22, Tapioca, Theodor (@TONlJIMENEZ), Vince-Taiwan.

Old TCM : AndreaLAZIOultras, ArturM, Borell, cdmafra, Frimimout, JesperBN, Kostas_Panachaiki, MatheusMux, Paul_13, Rein, Renato, Rivanov, Sh@rk, Spartacus23, Stathis, Steinbolt, Theodor.

Partner Website :

Warnings :

This creation (TCM18) is a property of the site and is in free use for personal use only. The only authorized download links are the official links available on the site to monitor the downloads statistics. If you wish to integrate our creation into a presentation, your own graphics, for any public use, thanks for asking us the permission. is a non profit website and only wishes to help the Football Manager gamers community. However, some recognition isn’t much asking for a time wasting work. Therefore, thanks for respecting these few rules.

Additional Information : (Website link) (Website email)
https:/ (Facebook)
https:/ (Twitter) (Steam)


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #1 am: 20.November 2017, 11:29:14 »

Bisschen unangenehm, scheine der erste dumme zu sein der es nicht auf die Kette bekommt.

Ich hatte anfangs meinen "Logo"Ordner vom FM17 in den Graphics Ordner des FM18 gepackt (waren natürlich ein paar alte logos dabei, ist ja ein neuer Trend sein Vereinslogo zu erneuern). Alles schön und Gut, Vereinslogos wurden angezeigt. Allerdings keine Wettberbs-Logos wie Bundesliga, DfB Pokal usw.

Habe mir dann hier die Datei runtergeladen und wie es dort steht, einfach in den Documents-Ordner entpackt. Hatte dann da den Ordner MegapackTCM18 drin. Skin neu geladen, danach waren alle Logos weg, auch die Vereinslogos wurden nicht mehr angezeigt. (Den alten Ordner den ich vorher hatte habe ich rausgenommen - der war allerdings auch unter ...dokumente/Sports.../fm18/graphics)

Weil das nicht geklappt hat habe ich den MegapackTCM18 Ordner auch in den Graphics Ordner gepackt. Skin neu geladen, immer noch keine Logos...

was mach ich hier um Himmels Willen falsch? :D


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #2 am: 20.November 2017, 12:34:24 »

I really like the style of your logopack and I'd like to use it for my Olympique Nîmes save. Do you have the new logo of Nîmes?


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #3 am: 20.November 2017, 18:30:41 »

Yes King-Mathers.

boermel : Delete all TCM17 files and follow instructions for TCM18.


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #4 am: 20.November 2017, 20:32:29 »

Yes King-Mathers.

boermel : Delete all TCM17 files and follow instructions for TCM18.

Thank you for your quick answer!

Now I can download your file :)


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #5 am: 09.Dezember 2017, 10:20:46 »

50000 !

Here is the number of downloads of the TCM18 reached today, almost 1 months day after the release of FM18.
A big thank you to all, players, contributors and partners!


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #6 am: 29.Dezember 2017, 18:35:37 »

Download the 18.1 Update for TCM18 Logopack, with more 4.500 logos of clubs, competitions and federations for almost 30000 logos in total !

After more 65000 downloads for TCM18 and more than 1,275,000 downloads with previous versions, we want to offer more with this update.

Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, Poland ... 83 Nations with add or update logos.


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #7 am: 18.März 2018, 12:19:47 »

Download the 18.2 Update for logopack, with more than 700 logos of clubs, competitions and federations for more than 30.000 logos in total!

After more than 120.000 downloads for les and more than 1.350.000 downloads with previous versions, we want to offer more with this last update.

Mexico, Canada, France, Georgia, Hungary, Portugal and New Zealand... 42 nations with additions and updates of logos.


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #8 am: 08.August 2018, 15:03:09 »

gutes logopack!
leider wird das logo von rb leipzig bei mir in-game sehr klein angezeigt und ist auch generell kleiner als die anderen logos in diesem pack
hat einer zufällig eine größere version davon am start? vielleicht von älteren tcm packs oder so


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #9 am: 08.August 2018, 17:54:16 »

Danke für die Komplimente
Der RB Leipzig hat ein sehr weites Logo und ist daher recht niedrig. Es ist die gleiche Größe wie die anderen (180px breit oder hoch) und 200px mit dem TCM-Effekt.
Also, wenn Sie nicht die Seiten mit dem Bullen schneiden, kann ich nichts tun ... Entschuldigung (und danke google translation ^^)


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #10 am: 08.September 2018, 09:33:00 »

Ich spiele FM2018 auf Deutsch.
spielt da die Sprache des Downloads (FRA oder ENG) eine Rolle oder nicht?


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Re: TCM18 Logopack by
« Antwort #11 am: 08.September 2018, 10:09:29 »

No, it's the same download. Just i make a French and English Language page because i'm French, and English is the "international language" ;)