@JúNioR_SpAwN.d: Did you change something regarding to the archives? Because I had no problems unzipping your files before. I could unzip the file "1227 pics & updates" without problems for example, but after these files I can't unzip them anymore. So basically since "286 pics & updates" and the world cup pictures it doesnt work for me anymore

. Is there a password now or something else I didnt notice?
I have tried it with winrar, 7zip and FreeArc but with none of them it worked, but I could unzip a u19 file which i downloaded here some time ago. So if you didnt change anything with the files there is something wrong with my PC I guess

, maybe there went something wrong with the download. I will try to download and extract the files again later when I'm back at home.
I have reinstalled 7zip, now it seems to work