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Autor Thema: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===  (Gelesen 52290 mal)


  • Bambini
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Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« am: 09.Januar 2016, 05:29:43 »

This is update version 1.1 for the Champions league 2016 skin, a “must have” update with multiple graphic enhancements, bug fixes and other updates.

This update includes:

- minor bug fixes.
- graphic enhancements (custom player status icons added, added bigger player faces in inbox messages, player names on shirts in tactics
(also during match when substituting etc.)
- new match titlebar lay out. (design by Gunzo) *****
- improved full match "Champions League" themed scoreboard. *
- more detailed custom made post match panel
- bigger pitch on tactics overview screen during match. **
- custom made player status icons.
- different fonts used, improving the overall "look and feel" of the skin
- alternative BBC news graphics (design by Emil Debski), original (1.0) news panel code included if you prefer the old one. ***
- optional sidebar coding including for those of you who like the sidebar NOT to "auto-hide". ****

The skin includes (as was the case with version 1.0):

- compatibility with version 16.2.0
- bigger player faces in screens
- (small) sidebar with customized icons and auto-hide feature, colours change depending on team/competition selected
- custom made Champions League scoreboard in full match screen mode
- custom made "match preview" and "post match" panels
- opacity/background selector
- instant result button
- many other additional graphical updates to enhance the FM experience

This skin is optimized for HD resolutions (resolution of 1920x1080 windowed and full screen).


* The scoreboard works best in 1920x1080 resolutions. If needed the "left inset" values for "score" and "time" can be adjusted to align
these correctly. The scoreboard works fine with team/club names until 12-13 letters/spaces used, if with your resolution or longer team/club
names are used you may need to "stretch" the scoreboard with an imaging editing program (like "Photoshop"), without changing the height
change the width slightly (a small change will make a big difference) and you will have more space for the names.
I added a file "match titlebar score.xml.BIGGER" in the panels folder, you can replace the original file with the "BIGGER" file.

** The bigger pitch will correct the fact that players name would not be visible on the shirts while making changes during the match in the tactics panel,
also when playing with 5 players in a defensive or midfield setup the players' names on the kits would 'drop-off'.
With the recommended resolution this is no issue anymore, but the pitch will take up more space than in the 1.0 release version.

*** In the panels folder I created a file "competition news panel.xml.NO BBC", replace the original with this one and you will the same
news page as in version 1.0 back.

**** If you prefer the sidebar NOT to "auto-hide": in the panels folder of the skin I created a file "client object browser.xml.NO AUTO HIDE".
Replace the original file with this one and you will have a small sidebar that is static.

***** If you prefer the "match titlebar" as in version 1.0, in the panels folder there is a file "match title bar.xml.VERSION 1.0"
replace the original with this one and reload the skin.

With all replacements: delete the added "NO BBC", "BIGGER", "NO AUTO HIDE" or "VERSION 1.0" from the file names so "(name).xml" is left.
Reload the skin as always.

This skin wouldn't have been possible without the work of:

Emil Debski aka. fenomeno9 (Vitrex skin)
TheBantams (Andromeda skin)

and many others

Recommended (not included) for use with this skin are:

Facepack of your choice
Logo and kits packs
Cities megapack (showing citypictures in club screens)
Stadium background packs

*****Please don't redistribute without my permission, either in original form or in a "tweaked" or "enhanced" version******

Installation instructions:

This is a stand-alone 1.1 update for the Champions League skin, version 1.0 is not required/needed to be and stay present.
If you already have the 1.0 version installed COMPLETELY DELETE this version, do not leave this version in your skins folder as
the new version might (and will) given conflicts with the files that are not been overwritten.

Extract the 7z file in x:\users\(your name)\My documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins\
If you don't have a "skins" folder you need to create one.

When you extract the 7z file it will automatically create a "Champions League 2016" folder, which contains the skin.

Make sure you un-tick "use skin cache", clear the cache and reload the skin.
Alternatively you can restart the game with "skin cache" un-ticked.
This way not only the skin but also the included alternative graphics will be loaded correctly.


If you like to use a different background, copy your favorite background picture to the folder:
".......\skins\Champions League 2016\graphics\backgrounds".

Rename the picture to "1......6.jpg" and reload the skin.
Un-tick "skin cache" and clear the current cache to make sure all graphics are loaded properly.

If you want to replace the manager picture on the main menu, I have added a few files in the folder ".......\skins\Champions League 2016\graphics\main menu" called "manager.png.alt"
You can delete the "manager.png" if you don't like the current manager pictured there and either delete it or replace it with an alternative picture.
Any feedback on errors or bugs is greatly appreciated, please make sure before reporting bugs or errors that you read the instructions
and updated the skin to the newest version (1.1).



« Letzte Änderung: 24.Januar 2016, 06:48:28 von a31632 »


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 1.0 RELEASED
« Antwort #1 am: 09.Januar 2016, 11:09:10 »

Great Skin! THANKS mate! :)


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 1.0 RELEASED
« Antwort #2 am: 10.Januar 2016, 11:33:59 »

Ist es möglich, die farbigen Attribut-Boxen einzufügen? Finde ich persönlich im Profil übersichtlicher :)
"My Mojito in La Bodeguita, my Daiquiri in El Floridita"



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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 1.0 RELEASED
« Antwort #3 am: 10.Januar 2016, 21:17:36 »

Ist es möglich, die farbigen Attribut-Boxen einzufügen? Finde ich persönlich im Profil übersichtlicher :)

Yes, it is possible.
You will need to edit a lot of files though, so it is a LOT of work.

Replace the code in the following files, save it all and reload the skin, it should show the boxes in all attributes panels.



<record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y"/>
<record indx="1" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="vertical" spec="text" colour="selection"/>

Replace with:

<record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y"/>
<record indx="1" alignment="centre,can_scale" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" size="12" style="bold" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" >
<boolean id="use_attribute_colour_as_bg" value="true" />
<flags id="attribute_value_colour" value="white" />

NON PLAYER ATTRIBUTES PANEL SMALL.xml (it appears 2 times; you have to change it in two places)


<record indx="1" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold"/>

Replace with:

<record indx="1" alignment="centre,can_scale" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" size="12" style="bold" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" >
<boolean id="use_attribute_colour_as_bg" value="true" />
<flags id="attribute_value_colour" value="white" />

NON PLAYER ATTRIBUTES PANEL.xnl (it appears 2 times; you have to change it in two places)


<record indx="0" alignment="left, centre_y" spec="text" />
<record indx="1" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" />

Replace with:

<record indx="0" alignment="left, centre_y" spec="text" />
<record indx="1" alignment="centre" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" colour="white" size="13" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" >
<boolean id="use_attribute_colour_as_bg" value="true" />
<flags id="attribute_value_colour" value="white" />



<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold"/>

Replace with:

<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>



<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Replace with:

<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>



<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Replace with:

<record index="1" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>

PLAYER ATTRIBUTES PANEL1.xml (responsible for player profile panel)


<record index="2" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Replace with:

<record index="2" id="val " top="1" bottom="2" sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>



<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="3" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Replace with:

<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="3" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>

HUMAN PROFILE.xml (it appears 2 times; you have to change it in two places)


<record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y" />
<record indx="1" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="vertical" spec="text" colour="selection" />

Replace with:

<record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y" />
<record indx="1" alignment="centre" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" colour="white" size="13" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" >
<boolean id="use_attribute_colour_as_bg" value="true" />
<flags id="attribute_value_colour" value="white" />



<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="3" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Replace with:

<!-- Attribute value -->
<record index="3" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>



  • Bambini
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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 1.0 RELEASED
« Antwort #4 am: 24.Januar 2016, 06:47:45 »

Skin now updated to version 1.1

New download link in OP!


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #5 am: 30.Januar 2016, 22:19:02 »

how can i change the scorerboard have you a tipp for me? what have i to do and in this files?


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #6 am: 31.Januar 2016, 01:02:10 »

It depends on what kind of change(s) you want to make.
I can't really give advice as I don't know how you would like to change it (bigger, smaller, more space for names etc.)

Just let me know what exactly you are looking for and I will help


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #7 am: 31.Januar 2016, 06:07:55 »

how can i change the scorerboard have you a tipp for me? what have i to do and in this files?

Hi dodo, have look here

or sent me a pm and i explain it in german what i did.


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #8 am: 05.Februar 2016, 21:11:48 »


If the skin for PMSC suitable?

mfg big


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #9 am: 05.Februar 2016, 22:04:43 »


If the skin for PMSC suitable?

mfg big

Ja, sogar sehr gut. Ich benutze sie im skin und es sieht gut aus. Habe allerdings eine enorm hohe Auflösung.


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #10 am: 07.Februar 2016, 14:13:38 »

Von welcher Auflösung reden wir ?

Ich nutze 1920x1080 und habe den Panel von Flut angepasst zu meiner Zufriedenheit. Nunja....nicht ganz, also sollte der CL Skin dem Pics besser angepasst sein, wechsel ich. Vielleicht kannst du mehr erzählen ?


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #11 am: 07.Februar 2016, 14:31:15 »

Von welcher Auflösung reden wir ?

Ich nutze 1920x1080 und habe den Panel von Flut angepasst zu meiner Zufriedenheit. Nunja....nicht ganz, also sollte der CL Skin dem Pics besser angepasst sein, wechsel ich. Vielleicht kannst du mehr erzählen ?

Ich habe 2560x1440. Sitze gerade nicht am Rechner. Ein paar panels musste ich aber auch anpassen. Betraf aber eher Logos und Taktik panels. Probiere ihn mal. Ich finde es lohnt sich.

edit: Bin wieder am Rechner. Oben meine Auflösung.

Hier ein Beispiel:

Und eine Playeroverview:

Wenn du magst, mache ich noch mehr Bilder. Musst nur sagen wovon.
« Letzte Änderung: 07.Februar 2016, 14:44:13 von vonreichsm »


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #12 am: 08.Februar 2016, 20:10:09 »

Das gefällt mir durchaus auf den ersten Blick ;)
Vielleicht kannst du mir das veränderte Panel schicken, damit ich ihn testen kann ?


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #13 am: 08.Februar 2016, 20:12:53 »

Das gefällt mir durchaus auf den ersten Blick ;)
Vielleicht kannst du mir das veränderte Panel schicken, damit ich ihn testen kann ?

Das playeroverviewpanel? Ein panel musste ich noch anpassen. Das prematchpanel. Dort waren die Wetterbedingungen zu weit oben. Die habe ich weiter runter gesetzt. Soll ich dir die beiden mal schicken?


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #14 am: 08.Februar 2016, 20:50:09 »

Wenn du Zeit und Lust dazu hast, gerne ;)
Ich teste gerne ! :P

Danke dir


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #15 am: 09.Februar 2016, 09:25:59 »

Wenn du Zeit und Lust dazu hast, gerne ;)
Ich teste gerne ! :P

Danke dir

PM ist raus. Versuch es mal. Habe Mega als Downloadort gewählt.


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #16 am: 09.Februar 2016, 20:14:02 »


habe mir heute die Version 1.1 von dem Skin für Football Manager 2016 gezogen. Soweit alles bestens. Nur das seitliche Panel wo man alles drüber steuert, zickt übelst rum. Das löst sich von der Seite ab und dann kann man es nicht mehr nutzen. Es lälsst sich nicht mehr aktivieren und man muss mit Tastkürzlen zu Mannschaft, Personal und sonstiges. Kann man das noch fixen? Das wäre super, den ansonsten muss man immer speichern und das Spiel neu laden was recht schade ist  ;)


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #17 am: 09.Februar 2016, 21:08:23 »


habe mir heute die Version 1.1 von dem Skin für Football Manager 2016 gezogen. Soweit alles bestens. Nur das seitliche Panel wo man alles drüber steuert, zickt übelst rum. Das löst sich von der Seite ab und dann kann man es nicht mehr nutzen. Es lälsst sich nicht mehr aktivieren und man muss mit Tastkürzlen zu Mannschaft, Personal und sonstiges. Kann man das noch fixen? Das wäre super, den ansonsten muss man immer speichern und das Spiel neu laden was recht schade ist  ;)

Der Fehler ist mir nicht bekannt. Bei mir noch nie passiert.


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #18 am: 11.Februar 2016, 09:54:31 »


ich habe mir das Champions League Skin geladen und unter C:\Users\*benutzer*\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins entpackt. Danach habe ich das Skin neu geladen(Häkchen rein und raus), trotzdem wird der Champions League Hintergrund nicht angezeigt. Bin ein Neuling, mache ich da was falsch? Mit den Kits und Spielernamen etc. hat es geklappt.

Oder muss man zusätzlich noch manuell den Hintergrund ändern? :):)

Danke für das mega gute Forum


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Re: Champions League Skin 2016 ===UPDATE 1.1 RELEASED===
« Antwort #19 am: 11.Februar 2016, 10:17:06 »

Cache vorher gekillt?