Also, den BlueO Skin hat man in < 5 Sekunden gefixed.
BlueO.xml in skin_config.xml umbenennen, im <record>-Tag folgende Zeile einfügen und gut ist:
<string id="skin_name" value="BlueO" />
Ich denke mal, das geht bei allen Skins gleich.
nochmal mein ganze Datei!!!!
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
Basic Skin Details
The commands in this file are only used to describe the skin.
Settings should be placed in the file "skins/<skin>/settings/<skin> settings.xml",
where <skin> is the name of the skin.
$DateTime: 2014/09/29 16:01:51 $
<!-- skin details - most of these are intentionally not translated -->
<string id="name" value="FM 2015 Flut Skin" />
<string id="author" value="Sports Interactive edited by FLUT" />
<translation id="description" translation_id="249669" type="use" value="Widget Set for FM2015" />
<string id="version" value="1.3" />
<flags id="parent" value="fm" />
Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .
This is used for two things:
- F irst of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other words
setting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0.
- Secondly, the first number ("major version") is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,
so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",
even though 7 is less than 8.
<string id="required_version" value="15.0.0" />
<string id="skin_name" value="fm2015flutskin" />
und umgeändert als skin_config.xml datei...
Cache geleert,neu geladen, aus dem spiel raus nochmal rein... Leider immer noch dasselbe...