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Autor Thema: [FM2013] German Leagues to Oberliga  (Gelesen 26227 mal)


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #40 am: 04.November 2012, 22:56:58 »

Teams are in correct leagues in the editor so i'm not really sure whats going on and why this is happening i'm just looking at Baden-Wutterberg League 1st and every team has that district and a city linked to it.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #41 am: 04.November 2012, 23:51:33 »

Teams are in correct leagues in the editor so i'm not really sure whats going on and why this is happening i'm just looking at Baden-Wutterberg League 1st and every team has that district and a city linked to it.

Hmm, bit of bizarre.

what happen if you start a simulation over few seasons? are the further relegated/promoted teams linked correctly then? e.g. town in baden-wurttemberg plays in bw-league etc

(I cant do a sim right now, have currently no access to my game-pc. badly..)


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #42 am: 05.November 2012, 02:31:04 »

The Editor is fine its the game thats doing it. I've put every club to a region and a city and have took off the boundaries of the leagues i had done to see if that worked. But still not worked i could really do with some help with the boundaries for the leagues and see if that works. Making sure every team has a stadium now see if that works but will do it tomorrow.
« Letzte Änderung: 05.November 2012, 02:59:02 von mcmillan9-john »


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #43 am: 05.November 2012, 05:09:25 »

The Editor is fine its the game thats doing it. I've put every club to a region and a city and have took off the boundaries of the leagues i had done to see if that worked. But still not worked i could really do with some help with the boundaries for the leagues and see if that works. Making sure every team has a stadium now see if that works but will do it tomorrow.

I know thats not your fault! ;)
with bizarre i meant to adress the game behavior (precisely because your data in editor is, according to my knowledge, absolutly correct..)
i had a look over the towns/cities too, found nothin


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #44 am: 05.November 2012, 16:53:33 »

I've been in touch with si games who have told me to send them the file and they will look at the problems were having with teams in the wrong leagues for me.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #45 am: 05.November 2012, 17:32:40 »

I've been in touch with si games who have told me to send them the file and they will look at the problems were having with teams in the wrong leagues for me.

Cool, very nice.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #46 am: 06.November 2012, 01:41:40 »

Version 3 link on first page with boundaries done by the great help and assistance of flippah and most clubs at Stadiums now.

Der Trendler

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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #47 am: 06.November 2012, 04:10:46 »

Great!!! Gonna test it tonight. Thanks for your effort!

Edit: Just had a first quick look at the file. It's the same like before, there are many teams in the wrong leagues. In the editor everything seams to be OK, but if you start a new game the teams are put in wrong leagues.

For example: Emden --> Oberliga Niederrhein
                  TeBe Berlin --> Oberliga Niederrhein etc.

I know that its not your fault mcmillan9-john, its an issue of the game.
« Letzte Änderung: 06.November 2012, 04:34:13 von Timmy2105 »
Evolution of Timmy2105


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #48 am: 06.November 2012, 09:26:21 »

I know i don't have a clue i'm waiting on si games getting back in touch with me about it as its a major issue.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #49 am: 06.November 2012, 11:02:48 »

I'm waiting, too - since I'm going to add the Verbandsliga to your file, once the issue is solved.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #50 am: 06.November 2012, 21:39:50 »

I'm waiting, too - since I'm going to add the Verbandsliga to your file, once the issue is solved.

Thumbs up! I don't like to play without some of my favourite amateur clubs.

Do you already have correct data for Eintracht Nordhorn? I never scouted before, but I could deliver some data (players, staff and some club history) if you are interested.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #51 am: 06.November 2012, 21:51:45 »

Bei den Amateurvereinenmacht sich niemand die Mühe die Daten, die nicht schon im Spiel sind nachzutragen. Das hat einfache Gründe. Unzumutbar viel arbeit.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #52 am: 06.November 2012, 23:11:14 »

Bei den Amateurvereinenmacht sich niemand die Mühe die Daten, die nicht schon im Spiel sind nachzutragen. Das hat einfache Gründe. Unzumutbar viel arbeit.

Einleuchtend. Aber wenn sich ohnehin jemand die Mühe macht, könnten ja auch andere davon profitieren. Oder ist schon das Einpflegen recht aufwändig?


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #53 am: 06.November 2012, 23:18:14 »

Hält sich in Grenzen. ICh hab da auch nix zu sagen, weil ich es ohnehin nicht machen werde, aber stell dir vor es kommen noch 150 Leute, die die DAten für ihren Verein haben. Schon hast du mehrere Wochen Arbeit ;)


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #54 am: 06.November 2012, 23:43:10 »

Ich sags mal so: So eine Datei darf ja leben. Es spricht aus meiner Sicht nix dagegen, wenn wir das so machen, dass ich dann die Verbandsligen spielbar bastle und du anschließend Eintracht Nordhorn aufbohrst und es wieder hochlädst.
Wenn das dann jeder mit jedem Verein macht, wo er sich auskennt, dann wird die Datei doch eher besser als schlechter.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #55 am: 09.November 2012, 15:49:15 »

The file is currently under review with sigames.


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #56 am: 11.November 2012, 13:36:16 »

after finishing the first season with your file league fixtures are not calculated as the last season is not properly finished



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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #57 am: 14.November 2012, 14:05:05 »

Can't really tell you why that has happened still waiting on SI games still reviewing the file. Regionalliga works fine. Must be a bug in Oberliga or summat ???


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #58 am: 15.November 2012, 17:39:01 »

Do you have posted the file in a Thread in SI Forum or do you stand in Private Chat with them ?


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Re: German Leagues to Oberliga
« Antwort #59 am: 20.November 2012, 18:07:06 »

I posted the file to them they have looked at it Henry Charnock replied

In the past we've updated the game through Steam after release. When we've done this, basically when you'd next open Steam after the update, the game would just update itself with all the fixes we put in.

Were we to do this again this year, this fix may be included. I'm unable to make any assurances on whether or which update this would go into specifically, though.