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Autor Thema: Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???  (Gelesen 2209 mal)


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Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???
« am: 02.November 2012, 22:15:30 »

Why is the German League Structure same as last year ??? They now have 5 Regional leagues Bavarian and North-East aren't there ?? Below that there is only 10 leagues and this season there are 14 ??


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Re: Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???
« Antwort #1 am: 02.November 2012, 22:18:34 »

What file have you installed to get the leagues under the Third Division?
Do you have the file from the FM12 then we have the solution because last season the changes didn't come to work.
HaHoHe, Euer Jürgen!


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Re: Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???
« Antwort #2 am: 02.November 2012, 23:25:32 »

Started with the new FM13 Editor just trying to get the teams into the promotion playoffs but without luck at present.

Der Trendler

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Re: Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???
« Antwort #3 am: 02.November 2012, 23:27:15 »

Just try this one...

But this file only brings the Regionalliga into FM13...
Evolution of Timmy2105


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Re: Why is the German League Structure same as last year ???
« Antwort #4 am: 03.November 2012, 01:00:54 »

Yes i want to play oberliga want to be VFR Mannheim but thanks will give it a try.