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Autor Thema: [FM2013] Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!  (Gelesen 10556 mal)


  • Kreisklassenkönig
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[FM2013] Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« am: 18.März 2013, 18:40:38 »

The FM13 Adboard Patch

Download HERE [released 28/5/2013]

Pack contains:
BOTH Club and No Club adboard xml files
Ad boards for ALL Polish clubs
Updated boards for Spanish La Liga
90% English teams have updated boards
Extra English Club boards
Carling Cup now has Capital One Boards
Minor board updates and alterations

Mod edit: Please note that although the thread was started by rabcp, who had done a lot of the work in previous years, the file was released by tv_capper, who collected the work of many other users/


Q. How do I install the Adboard Patch?

1. Extract the contents of the rar folder to your desktop.

2. Move the ads folder to the following directory: My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/graphics/pictures. This will now give you the following directory: My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/graphics/pictures/ads

3. Open up the My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013 folder and create a new folder called 'ads' giving you the following directory My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/ads

4. Move the 'Club adboards' and 'no club adboards' folder from your desktop to the new directory you made My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/ads

5. Decide if you want to use the 'Club adboards' or 'no club adboards' once you have decided copy and paste the fm.xml file from 'club adboards' or 'no club adboards' folder to the ads folder.

You should now have the following folder structure.

6. Open up FM13 and access the in game preferences menu.

7. Go to the display tab and untick 'use skin cache' and tick 'reload skin on confirm'. Confirm these changes

8. Reload FM13 and enjoy

Apple Mac
1. Extract the contents of the rar folder to your desktop.

2. Move the ads folder to the following directory: My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/graphics/pictures. This will now give you the following directory: My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/graphics/pictures/ads

3. Open up the My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013 folder and create a new folder called 'ads' giving you the following directory My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/ads

4. Move the 'Club adboards' and 'no club adboards' folder from your desktop to the new directory you made My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/ads

5. Decide if you want to use the 'Club adboards' or 'no club adboards' once you have decided copy and paste the fm.xml file from 'club adboards' or 'no club adboards' folder to the ads folder.

Make sure both 'ads' folders are in lower case

6. Open up FM13 and access the in game preferences menu.

7. Go to the display tab and untick 'use skin cache' and tick 'reload skin on confirm'. Confirm these changes

8. Reload FM13 and enjoy

Q. Why are there two different xml files?

A. As the folder names suggest one xml file contains club specific adboards and one doesn’t. This has been done as in previous patches people have complained that they see clubs specific adboards in cup competitions. Due the way the xml file there is no way around this using code. The only solution would be the use of two files.

For example say you are Arsenal and want Arsenal specific adboards in the Premiership and the Champions league adboards in the Champions League you would follow these steps;

1. Load up FM with the Club Specific config file in use
2. Play your league game (Arsenal ads will show)
3. Before your Champions League game Save and quit FM13
4. Replace the club specific config file with the non club config file.
5. Re boot FM13
6. Play your Champions League match (Champions League ads will show)


Algerian Premier League & South African ABSA Premiership

Australian A-League, Chinese Super League, Hong Kong First Division, Indian I League, Indonesian Premier League, Japanese J-League, Malaysian Super League, Qatarian Stars League, Singaporean S-League, South Korean K-League & UAE Football League.

Austrian Bundesliga, Belarussian Vysshaya Liga, Belgian Jupiler League, Bulgarian Premier League, Croatian Prva HNL, Cypriot Premier League, Czech Gambrinus Liga, Danish SAS Ligaen, Dutch Eredivisie, Jupiler League, English Premiership, Championship, League 1, League 2, Blue Square Premier, Finnish Veikkausliiga, French Ligue 1, German Bundesliga, Bundesliga 2, Liga 3, Regional Liga Nord, NOFV Nord, Greek Superleague, Hungarian Soporoni Liga, Icelandic Urvalsdeild Karla, Isreali Ligat Winner, Ligat Leumit, Italian Serie A, Maltese Premier League, Northern Irish Premier League, Norwegian Tippeligaen, Polish Ekstraklasa, I liga, Portugues Liga Sagres, Liga Vitalis, Republic of Ireland League of Ireland, Romanian Liga 1, Russian Premier League, Rus One Division, Scottish Premier League, First Division, Second Division, Third Division, Serbian Superliga, Slovakian Coron Liag, Slovenian Prva Liga, Spanish Premira Liga, Liga Adelante, Swedish Ekstraklasa, Swiss Super League, Turkish Super Lig, Ukrainian First League & Welsh Premier League.

North America
American Major League Soccer & Mexican Primera Division

New Zealand ASB Premiership

South America
Argentinian Primera Division, Nacional B, Brazilian Serie A, Campeonato Carioca, Campeonato Gaucho, Campeonato Mineiro, Campeonato Paulista, Chilian Primera Division, Primera B, Colombian Copa Mustang, Peruvian Primera Division & Uruguayan Primera Division.

Cup Competitions

Champions League, Confederations Cup & Super Cup
AFC Cup & Champions League
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League & UEFA Super Cup
North America
Canadian Champions Cup, CONCACAF Champions League & Superliga
South America
Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamerica & Recopa Sudamericana

Domestic Cup's
FA Cup, Carling cup, Community Shield & Johnstones Paint Trophy
Coupe de France & Coupe de Ligue
Pokal & Supercup
Football Cup OPAP
Coppa Italia
Taca de Portugal & Carlsberg Cup
Russian Cup
Scottish Cup & League Cup
Copa del Ray
 The Netherlands
Dutch Cup
Turkish Cup


FIFA World Cup

Tutorial 2
How to code adboards

Open up the ads.xml file located My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/Ads

First of all you have to load the graphics into FM13 which is done by the following piece of code the near the bottom of the xml file

<!-- Hibernian adboards -->
<record id="2191" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/puma"/>
<record id="2192" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/skysports"/>
<record id="2193" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/espn"/>

What this code means

<!-- Hibernian adboards --> - Just identifies to whoever is reading the xml file what this piece of code is for competitions/clubs..

<record id="2191" - Assigns a unique id number to specific adboard (you makes this number up but make sure it is not already in use elsewhere in the config)

path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/puma"/> - Location ot the adboard which has just been given a unique id number

The next bit of code determins where the previously assigned adboards will be displayed
<!-- Hibernian, rabcp -->
<list id="17">
<integer value="2191"/>
<integer value="2192"/>
<integer value="2193"/>
<integer value="2191"/>
<integer value="2192"/>
<integer value="2193"/>
<integer value="2191"/>
<integer value="2192"/>
<integer value="2193"/>

What this code means

<!-- Hibernian, rabcp --> - Just identifies to whoever is reading the xml file what this piece of code is for competitions/clubs along with the author of the adboards..

<list id="17"> - Unique id of the competition/clubs the adboards are for

<integer value="2191"/> - Positions adboard number 2191 in to be displayed for games in the assigned competition/club. This code needs repeated 44 more times as there are 45 adboard spaces on the maximumm pitch size

« Letzte Änderung: 23.Oktober 2014, 22:36:32 von Octavianus »


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #1 am: 18.März 2013, 22:33:21 »

Und wo ist der Link? ;D
"My Mojito in La Bodeguita, my Daiquiri in El Floridita"



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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #2 am: 19.März 2013, 08:44:00 »

soviel ich weiss sind die noch dran,die wurden noch nicht Released.



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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #3 am: 19.März 2013, 09:07:13 »

Und auch hier nervt mich die aufgezwungene Ordnerstruktur. Das gibt, trotz detaillierter Anleitung, nur Ärger.

@Meiky: Are you working on this? Is it possible to change the Folder-Structure? I mean, is it possible, that the xml-Files refer to graphics/ads instead of graphics/Pictures/Ads? I think this will cause some problems.


  • Kreisklassenkönig
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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #4 am: 19.März 2013, 09:23:33 »

Und auch hier nervt mich die aufgezwungene Ordnerstruktur. Das gibt, trotz detaillierter Anleitung, nur Ärger.

@Meiky: Are you working on this? Is it possible to change the Folder-Structure? I mean, is it possible, that the xml-Files refer to graphics/ads instead of graphics/Pictures/Ads? I think this will cause some problems.

ich hab vergessen zu erwähnen das ich nicht der ersteller bin.... aber wie der titel sagt  WORK IN PROGRESS also nicht fertig für alle die jenigen die den downloadlink suchen! ;)


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #5 am: 19.März 2013, 19:28:26 »

Na ich dachte, dass du vielleicht Kontakt hast. Außerdem hab ich den Text oen nur kurz überflogen, war quasi auf dem Sprung.

Der Trendler

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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #6 am: 06.April 2013, 04:04:42 »


Daz8 hat auf seiner Facebookseite die FM13 Adboards verlinkt. Da vielleicht ja nicht jeder bei Facebook ist bzw. mit ihm in Kontakt steht, nehme ich mir mal die Freiheit den Link hier zu posten.

Falls ihr ihn bei Facebook adden wollt:

Ist eingentlich echt cool, was der so anbietet. Vor allem alles mit Anleitungen, wie es einzufügen ist.
Evolution of Timmy2105


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #7 am: 06.April 2013, 09:35:24 »

naja....ich weiss nicht wieso er es adboards 2013 nennt. alle ads die ich bis jetzt auf vereinsebene gesehen habe entsprechen 1:1 denen aus der alten version. evtl. ist hier und da mal noch ne bande hinzugekommen oder andere fehlen. insgesamt gesehen hätte ich von dem file allerdings deutlich mehr erwartet. wer den alten adboardpatch hat, braucht diesen imho nicht.


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #8 am: 07.April 2013, 00:49:18 »

Moin leute hab mal ne blöde frage, verändern sich die logos immer mit den ligen oder ist das logo immer gleich??



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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - WORK IN PROGRESS
« Antwort #9 am: 07.April 2013, 11:41:20 »

es gibt zum einenv ereinspezifische banden und zum anderen wettbewerbsspezifische banden für jene vereine, denen keine eigenen banden zugewiesen sind.
die banden verändern sich also nicht nur für jedes land, sondern sogar innerhalb jeder liga jedes landes.


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« Antwort #10 am: 11.Juli 2013, 06:40:31 »

NOW AVAILABLE! seit 28.5.2013 sry hats total vergessen :D


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« Antwort #11 am: 11.Juli 2013, 10:40:27 »

NOW AVAILABLE! seit 28.5.2013 sry hats total vergessen :D


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« Antwort #12 am: 13.Juli 2013, 13:15:53 »

Der Download Link ist down und auf der FB Seite is der adboard nicht verlinkt. Hat jemand einen alternativen Link?
FC Torino Story - im Schatten der alten Dame.,20709.0.html


  • Kreisklassenkönig
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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« Antwort #13 am: 13.Juli 2013, 19:31:46 »

Der Download Link ist down und auf der FB Seite is der adboard nicht verlinkt. Hat jemand einen alternativen Link?

der link funktioniert doch


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Re: 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
« Antwort #14 am: 14.Juli 2013, 12:06:57 »

Der Download Link ist down und auf der FB Seite is der adboard nicht verlinkt. Hat jemand einen alternativen Link?

der link funktioniert doch

Timmys Link spuckt folgendes aus:

Invalid or Deleted File.

The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.

Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance.
FC Torino Story - im Schatten der alten Dame.,20709.0.html