Auch hier kann ich wieder M.V. zitieren:
Release Media Story
One of the new features that came in with the first enhancement pack was the ability to praise or criticize your players’ recent form. This feature is located on the players action menu, inside a sub-menu called ‘Release Media Story’.
At present there are a couple of restrictions upon this feature, the first being that this option will not appear on the player play unless he has played at least four games. You will also be restricted to praising or criticizing one player a week. These restrictions are in place simply to prevent managers from over-using this option on inappropriate players.
As in real-life, players love to be praised by their manager and aren’t fond of criticism. However remember some players while disliking criticism will be inspired by it and attempt to prove their manager wrong, also some players will become complacent if praised and so may perform worse than otherwise.
Ich will jetzt nicht alles übersetzten, aber im Action Menu des Spielers hast du eine Option 'Release Media Story'. Dort kannst du auswählen, ob du den Spieler öffenlich loben oder kritisieren möchtest. Pro Woche ist das nur einmal möglich.